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Managing Blocklists

Blocklists can be a powerful tool to help automate moderation in your group, for certain things where no discretion is required. If, for example, you've noticed the spammers often use particular words - then you could use blocklists to automatically take action on those users. Or perhaps you don't like swearing in your group, or you don't like the word "moist". The sky is the limit!


Locks take precedence over blocklists! If a message ends up being covered by both locks and blocklists, locks will take effect, not blocklists.

Adding A Blocklist Trigger

There are two methods for setting up a blocklist trigger. You can either blocklist a single word, or you can blocklist a particular phrase. Which of these you want to do will depend on exactly what you're trying to accomplish.

Single-Word Blocklist Triggers

Single word blocklist triggers are the most common kind, and are typically useful when you're trying to blocklist things like profanity or racial slurs, where you simply do not want any form of the word to be present.

Similar to filters, adding a blocklist trigger requires three components: the blocklist command, the trigger word, and the reason for the blocklist. The trigger is case-insensitive, so no need to worry about upper/lowercase.

You can add a blocklist trigger by issuing the following command:

/addblocklist <trigger> <reason>


As with other restrictions, blocklists do not affect your admins.


If you don't specify a reason, Rose will make one herself, in the format "blocklist match on ". This may leak you trigger - if you wish to avoid this, make sure to set a custom reason yourself!


If you wanted to blocklist the word "stupid" from being used in your chat, and you want Rose to reply with a message saying "Don't say mean things!", you would issue the command as shown below:

/addblocklist "stupid" Don't say mean things! {tmute 1m}

Once you do this, any time a user sends a message that contains the word "stupid" anywhere within the message, Rose will delete their message and mute them for 1 minute, with the reason "Don't say mean things!".

Multi-Word (Phrase) Blocklist Triggers

While single-word triggers work great, what if you don't want to blocklist just a single word, but a specific phrase? Where this type of blocklist trigger works very well, is when you need more context around a trigger. You might not want the word "suck" to be blocklisted, but you do want the phrase "puppies suck" to be blocklisted.

To add a phrase for your blocklist trigger, replace the single word with a phrase and add quotes around it. You would issue the command like below:

/addblocklist "<phrase>" <reply>


In this scenario, we want to blocklist the phrase "the admins suck", and have Rose reply with a message saying "Show the admins some respect!". You would issue the command as follows:

/addblocklist "the admins suck" Show the admins some respect!

This would make it so that Rose would delete any message containing the phrase "the admins suck", and depending on the blocklist mode you've set, she'll reply to the message with "Show the admins some respect!".


The phrase needs to be an exact match. So for example, if a user typed a message saying "these admins suck", nothing would happen. Remember, blocklist triggers are a double-edged sword: Rose will match what you tell her. So if you need a specific phrase or context of a word blocklisted, ensure you're using phrases to reflect that. Otherwise, you can end up with a lot of false positives.

Adding multiple blocklist items at once

To make it easier to add blocklists in bulk, Rose supports adding multiple entries at the same time. This will then set a single common reason for all of them. The syntax for this is slightly different; you want to wrap your list of triggers in brackets, and separate them by a comma, like this:

/addblocklist (<word1>, <word2>, "<phrase>", <...etc>) <reason>


To add multiple variants of the word "hello" to your blocklist, you could use:

/addblocklist (hi, hey, hello, "hey there") Stop saying hello!

This would be the same as if you had added each of "hi", "hey", "hello", and "hey there" individually.

Listing Your Blocklist Triggers

If you want to check what words or phrases you have set up blocklists for in your chat, you can issue this command:


Rose will then provide a list of the currently set blocklist triggers.

Removing A Blocklist Trigger

Removing a blocklist trigger is nearly the same as adding one, following the same syntax. This allows you to copy-paste the triggers listed in the /blocklist command.

/rmblocklist <item>

Similarly, to remove a phrase, wrap it in quotes:

/rmblocklist "<phrase>"

Or, to remove multiple blocklists at once, use:

/rmblocklist (<word1>, <word2>, "<phrase>", <...etc>)

Removing all blocklist triggers

If you'd like to remove all your blocklist triggers, you can use the following command:


For security reasons, this command is owner-only. It cannot be undone.