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Getting Federation Info

After your federation is created, you may want to get some information about your fed. Maybe down the road your community creates another new group chat, and you need to add your new chat to the federation. But you've forgotten the Fed ID, yikes! Don't worry, Rose you covered with several commands to give you various information about your federation.

Getting Basic Federation Info

The commands to get basic federation info will give you just that, the basics. You can use this command to get the information for your own federation, or you can also use it to get the information of any federation for which you have the Fed ID.

Getting Your Own Federation's Info

Getting the Fed ID of your own federation is incredibly easy! To get your federation's Fed ID, simply issue the below command:


Rose will then reply with a message like the one below, showing you your federation's info:

Getting Another Federation's Info

To get the information of another federation, you would issue the following command:

/fedinfo <FedID>


So, if for example, you wanted to view the information of the Rose Support Official federation, you would issue the command like below:

/fedinfo 86718661-6bfc-4bd0-9447-7c419eb08e69

Viewing A Federation's Admins

You can also view who the admins are for a specified federation. Like viewing basic info, there are two ways this command can be used.

View Your Own Federation's Admins

To view a list of admins for your federation, issue the following command:


Rose will then respond with a list of admins for your federation, along with their Telegram IDs. Their displayed names are a hyperlink which you can click you quickly view their profile.

View Another Federation's Admins

To view a list of admins for another federation, you would issue the below command:

/fedadmins <FedID>


Let's say you wanted to view a list of the federation admins for the Rose Support Official federation, you would issue the following command:

/fedadmins 86718661-6bfc-4bd0-9447-7c419eb08e69

Rose will then provide a list of the federations admins in the same format.

Viewing What Federation A Group Belongs To

There may be times when you want to know what federation a specific chat belongs to. Maybe you've noticed they are very efficient at using fed bans on spammers and want to use their fed to protect your chat. To do this, go to the group chat you wish to know the federation info for, and issue the below command:


Rose will respond with a message advising you of the name and Fed ID of the federation the group is part of. If they don't belong to any feds, Rose will tell you this as well.

Checking which feds you are admin in

You can check which federations you are admin in by using the following command:
