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Have you ever had users join your chat, and just send message after message, never even stopping to let someone else reply or participate in the conversation? So have we, and we have a solution!

Checking Current Antiflood Settings

To check the current antiflood settings for your group, simply use the below command:


Rose will then reply with a message informing you of your group's antiflood settings.

Stopping Consecutive Messages

You can configure how many consecutive messages it will take for Rose to perform the antiflood punishment on the user. To set this, issue the below command:

/setflood <number>


If you wanted Rose to perform the antiflood punishment on a user after they've sent 5 consecutive messages, you would issue the below command:

/setflood 5

Stopping Messages Over a Period of Time

If acting on consecutive messages won't work for your group, you can configure the flood timer to set a duration in which Rose will count the number of messages sent by a user. If the user goes over a limit in a certain period of time, Rose can then act on them.

/setfloodtimer <number> <duration>


For Rose to act on users that send more than 5 messages in 10 seconds, you would use:

/setflood 5 10s


When paired with temporary mutes, this method of timed antiflood can be used as a more configurable alternative to telegram's existing "slowmode" feature.

Set The Antiflood Mode

Rose has several different modes to handle how to punish users who exceed the flood limit, as listed below:

Action Description
kick Kick the user. They can rejoin if they need to.
ban Ban the user. They won't be able to rejoin until unbanned.
tban TIME Temporarily ban the user for TIME duration.
mute Mute the user. They won't be able to speak until unmuted.
tmute TIME Temporarily mute the user for TIME duration.

You may notice that the above mentions TIME variables. These are described below:

Option Description
Xm X minutes
Xh X hours
Xd X days
Xw X weeks

To then set your floodmode, you would use the following command, where <action> comes from the table above:

/setfloodmode <action>


If a user exceeds the antiflood limit, and you want Rose to mute them for 10 minutes, you would issue the following command:

/setfloodmode tmute 10m

Or, if you would like to simply ban them, use:

/setfloodmode ban

Customising the flood deletion policies

By default, antiflood will delete all the messages sent after the flood limit is reached. This means that if you have a flood limit of 7 and a user sends consecutive 10 messages, the last 3 messages will get deleted.

However, some users might want Rose to delete all 10 messages. In this case, one can enable the "clearflood" setting to delete the entire set of flood messages.

Enabling clearflood: /clearflood on

Disabling clearflood: /clearflood off