Rose can automatically reply to certain words in your group chat! This feature can be extremely useful, and there are multiple scenarios which you might find yourself wanting to set up this feature. Perhaps you want to make your chat a little more lively and just have Rose reply to certain words. Or maybe your users keep asking a certain question or two that you're tired of answering. Rose can answer these for you!
Adding Filters
Depending on what you want to do, you can have Rose reply to any message where a certain word is used, or you can have her reply to messages that contain a specific phrase. Which of these you decide to do is up to you!
Filters support formatting! Personalise your filters appearance with some extra fancy formatting.
Adding A Single-Word Filter
Adding a single-word filter to Rose requires three things: the filter command, the word you want Rose to reply to, and the reply itself. You can add a filter by issuing the below command:
/filter <word> <reply>
Let's say you wanted Rose to reply to anyone who used the word "puppies" in a message, and that you wanted her to reply with a message that said "I love puppies!" To accomplish this, you would issue the command as shown below:
/filter puppies I love puppies!
Now, any time a user send a message that contains the word "puppies" anywhere within their message, Rose will reply to their message with "I love puppies!"
Adding A Multi-Word Filter
But what if you only want Rose to reply to a specific phrase? We can accomplish this by replacing the single word with a phrase, and adding quotes around it. You would issue the command like below:
/filter "<phrase>" <reply>
Let's do another example to illustrate this. So in this case, every time a user says "I love dogs", we want Rose to reply to them by saying "I love dogs too!". To do this, you would issue the following command:
/filter "I love dogs" I love dogs too!
Adding Multiple Filters at Once
Sometimes, you might need to add multiple different variations of a filter in one go. You can do this by wrapping your list of entries with parentheses, and separating them with commas; like this:
/filter (<one>, <two>, <three>, ...) <reply>
For example, to add a trigger for multiple different variations of "hello", you would use:
/filter (hi, hello, hey, sup, "hi there") Hello to you too! How are you doing?
Note that multi-filters also support quotes for adding sentences, so you can use those together!
Replying To Users With Images/Stickers/etc
So what if instead of having Rose reply to a word or phrase with a message, you want her to reply with a sticker, photo, or some other attachment? This can easily be done! To do this, you would simply issue the filter command like below, while replying to the attachment:
/filter <word>
/filter "<phrase>"
Let's say someone posts a sticker of a dog in your group chat, and you want Rose to reply to anyone who types the word "dog" with this sticker. To do this, you would reply to the sticker with the following:
/filter dog
Removing A Filter
Removing a filter is incredibly easy. To remove a filter, simply issue either of the following commands, depending on whether the filter you want to remove is a single word or a phrase:
/stop <word>
/stop "<phrase>"
Removing ALL filters
The group owner can delete all the filters in a group by using the following command:
Listing Your Filters
If at any time you want to check what words or phrases you have set up filters for in your chat, you can issue the below command:
Filter replies and fillings
Controlling who the filter replies to
By default, all filters reply to the user who sent the keyword.
If you would like to change it such that a filter replies to the user that was replied to (if any), use the {replytag}
filling in your filter.
Filters support all the fillings mentioned in the formatting docs.
The user being mentioned in fillings will always be the trigger sender, unless used with the {replytag}
filling; in
which case, the replied to user (if any) will be mentioned.
Controlling who can trigger filters
User-only filters
You can add the {user}
filling to a filling to make sure only users can trigger it, not admins.
Admin-only filters
Or, add the {admin}
filling if you only want admins to trigger the filter!
This could be fun if you wanted Rose to send a custom sticker when you ban a user!