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There are time within a group, where you might have some information that you want your users to be able to refer to later. It might be a few links, or maybe a helpful image. It can be pretty much anything you want. Introducing notes! Rose's notes feature allows you to save random bits of information for your users to retrieve later at their leisure.

Saving Notes

There are two types of notes you can save: text-only notes, and attachment notes. We'll go over the differences below:

Saving Text-Only Notes

When saving a new text-only note, there are 3 criteria required: the command, the word which you want to trigger retrieval of the note, and the note data itself. To do this, you would issue the below command:

/save <triggerword> <note>


So let's say you wanted to have a note where the trigger word for the note was "gethelp", and the note itself said "Go to our website to get help!". You could accomplish this with the below command:

/save gethelp Go to our website to get help


Unlike filters and blocklists, you cannot use phrases as trigger words for notes. They must be single words. Trying to set a multi-word note trigger will not give you the results you expect. For example, if you try to save a note phrase like below:

/save "help me" Go to our site for help

You would end up adding a note called "help, and the contents would be me" Go to our site for help. This is probably not your intention!

Saving Attachment Notes

Rose also allows you to save an image, sticker, or any other attachment as a note. To do this, simply find the attachment you wish to save as a note, and reply to the attachment with the following command:

/save <triggerword>


If you wanted to have a note that was a picture of a kitten, and you wanted the trigger word for the note to be "cuteness", you would reply to the picture with the command like shown below:

/save cuteness

Opening Notes

Any user in your chat can open notes, as they are accessible to everyone by default (unless you use admin-only notes). There are two ways users can retrieve notes.

The first method is to issue the below command:

/get <triggerword>

Or, they can issue the command like a hashtag:



Using the examples from the Saving Notes section, let's try to retrieve our notes.

If we wanted to retrieve the "gethelp" note, we could issue either of the below commands:

/get gethelp


If we wanted to retrieve the "cuteness" note, we could issue either of these:

/get cuteness


Listing notes

A user coming to your group may be curious about what notes you have available to them, or if you're like me, you might use a note so rarely that you forget what the trigger word is. Thankfully, you and your users can quickly view a list of the notes available in your group by issuing either of the below commands:


Deleting Notes

If at any point you need to remove one of your group's saved notes, you can simply issue the below command:

/clear <triggerword>


Let's say we no longer wanted to keep our note with the cute kitten (you must be some kind of monster), then you would issue the command like shown below:

/clear cuteness

Updating Notes

As a last note (pun intended), you may want to update a note, rather than deleting it and making a new one. To do this, you would simply issue the /save command again, just like you were making a new note.


Let's say your group has a note with a trigger word of "contest", and the note data was a phrase of "This week's contest is awesome". The contest is now over, and you want to change the note to advise your users that the contest is now over. You would simply issue the /save command like you were writing a new note, but you would use the same trigger word of "contest", like below:

/save contest This week's contest is now over

Rose will then simply overwrite the "contest" note with what you typed for the new note.

Enabling Private Notes

If you want to avoid people continuously spamming notes in your chat, you can enable private notes. This will make rose send a message in the chat with a button to redirect users to the private chat.

You can enable it for all notes with the following command:

/privatenotes on

Or disable it with

/privatenotes off

Per-note Private notes

You can also designate individual notes to go in private; do this by adding the {private} filling to the note.

Or, to force a note to be sent in the chat even when privatenotes are enabled, use {noprivate}

Note replies and fillings


Notes always reply to the user that is being replied to. If no user is being replied to, the bot will reply to the user who opened the note.


Notes support all the fillings mentioned in the formatting docs.

Choosing which user is used in the fillings is the same as for replies; if the note is a reply, the bot will mention the replied user. Else, the bot mentions to the user who opened the note.

Restricting notes to be admin-only

You can add the {admin} filling if you only want admins to open a specific note.


But remember that users can still read the notes if the admin opens them in the chat!

Please don't store sensitive data on Telegram :)

Repeated Notes

Looking to automatically send a message into your group every few hours? Give repeated notes a try!

To save a repeated note, use the same note commands you usually would, but simply add the {repeated <time>} filling.

For example, to repeat a message every 6 hours:

/save reminder Hello everyone, friendly reminder to join our news channel! Find the link in our pinned message. {repeat 6h}