Advanced Greeting Settings
In addition to having Rose greet and bid farewell to users with a message, there are also some more advanced greeting options. These options give you some extra control over what happens to users when they first join your group chat, as well as what actions Rose takes.
Cleaning Service Messages
When a user joins your group chat, even if you've disabled welcomes from Rose, Telegram itself still gives a service message showing that a user has joined or left the group. Those messages can be deleted with Rose's cleanservice features.
Cleaning Welcome Messages
While it can be great to have Rose greet your users, if your group chat is very active, or you have many users joining per day, Rose's welcome messages can get out of hand. Imagine having to scroll up constantly just to see the real conversation, what a hassle! We can fix this by cleaning up Rose's welcome messages. With this setting, Rose will automatically delete her old welcome messages after she welcomes a new user into your group chat.
Enable Welcome Message Cleaning
You can enable this setting by issuing either of the following commands:
/cleanwelcome on
Disable Welcome Message Cleaning
To disable this setting, issue either of the below commands:
/cleanwelcome off